Spike Lighting

is ideal for use in gardens as they can be easily repositioned as the planting matures. Garden spike lights can be used to create a focus light onto a specific feature such as a tree or sculpture. This can be used to extend the view down the garden and give depth to the space.

LED spike lights are highly preferred by people due to their energy-efficient construction. Besides, these lights are available in various designs like garden spikes, ground lights, etc.

Spike Floodlights are perfect for houses with large gardens and backyards. These lights are known for high coverage and bright lighting. Besides, they are designed to withstand all kinds of climatic conditions. Be it heavy storms or snow; floodlights would still function the same.

If you do not put the spike in the lighting You even can use it as a wall Lighting. You can install them in the fence, and it will illuminate the entire garden. The best thing about these lights is that there are lesser chances of tripping or knocking them down.

Spike lighting  can be used also as Landscape Lighting. Also known as in-ground lights, these lamps are designed to illuminate trees, fountains, and other areas of a garden. For installing a spike lighting instead of an in-ground light You are more flexibel.

Look at our lights we offer your in eShop. You can find more at our web www.artemis-light.gr or contact us and we help You do find the correct lighting for Your garden and yard.

Spike Lights
208,32 €
Spike Lights
104,16 €
Spike Lights
163,68 €
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